GenXTalkin Powerful Answers to 5 Common Preparedness Questions

I’m trying something new today with our blog.  Most of you know by now, Ed is out galivanting around the world allowing us to live vicariously through him… thank you Wilksie!

Ed’s alluded to a few upcoming items he’s got to talk about and reports from the field. I’m excited to see what he’s got for us! 

Until then, I wanted to capture five of some of the more common questions we hear in the preparedness community, and answer them from my humble perspective. 

So, let’s get started, shall we?

Why did you get into preparedness?

I was unknowingly being instructed in the ways of preparedness by both my mom and dad for most of my childhood.  My dad lived out being prepared on a day to day basis, and it was very impactful living through multiple recessions and very little money.

If you want to hear more about my parents, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing them in some earlier podcast episodes, when I was on a recent trip to the four corners area.  You can find them here:

Link to Dorie Marshall Episode

Link to Brooks Marshall Episode Pt 1

Linke to Brooks Marshall Episode Pt 2

When I left home, I ran into many scenarios in which being prepared would have been better, but I was not, and I suffered the consequences. 

  • I’ve been robbed a couple of times while traveling. 
  • I’ve been scammed by a three card Monty player.
  • I’ve been stuck in the cold, overnight, broken down vehicle, in sub-zero weather with very little heat or shelter.
  • And the lessons I’ve learned through those and so many more are what drive me today to be better prepared

As for preparedness itself, for me it all Started out as kind of a fun thing.  Zombies, apocalyptic living, how would I survive, and so on.  Of course, Y2K came with all those fears.

And then, there was this period we lived in a townhome community and ours was one of the only ones on the block that had a fireplace.  Across the street there was this nice little family with mom and dad and two very small children.  Weather was forecast to be in the single digits during a snowstorm and the power had been out for about a day and a half.  And I remember going over there and offering for them to come stay with us if they started getting too cold.  That was kind of an eye opener in that even in “normal” times, individuals and families could be hit with difficult choices.

I really just started doing my own prepping of sorts.  And eventually my wife jumped on the bandwagon.  We’ve been going strong with it for a couple of decades now at least.

What movies/shows or books influenced your preparedness planning most?

Preparedness Movies

There’s so many movies and books.  28 days later. That was actually one of my favorite and Still is one of my favorite, zombies movies with Cillian Murphy. The fact that it showed how quickly (28 days) things went to complete hell was impactful. 

28 Days Later Movie - Zomie Apocalypse Preparedness
28 Days Later Movie – Zomie Apocalypse Preparedness

World War Z. Again, very short timeline. And the way they portrayed a massive apocalyptic event that was impressive. I will say that the book was much better because it portrayed multiple scenes from a zombie apocalypse. The book itself is absolutely fantastic!

Movie –

Book –

And then I remember back in the 90s, there was a movie called Outbreak with Dustin Hoffman. Wow that was an impactful, epidemic type of movie.  And the thing that was powerful about that one as well is how the government could come in and essentially enveloped this town and try to block people from getting in and out of the town. People in general would attempt to fight back and do what they thought was right.

Of course, so much talk has gone on about The Walking Dead over the past number of years. I would say earlier seasons, maybe up to season four were very good, but after that it kind of got a little weird. But same type of scene from 28 days later where the guy wakes up and finds that the world has completely changed. 

Preparedness Books

As far as books go, there’s the old standby One Second After by William Forstchen. That is a very powerful book, primarily because the author himself is a historian and he has connections with government. And it was actually a bit of a sad story. He was part of this Commission that was tasked with finding out what would happen if an EMP were to hit the United States and how in what ways it might affect the US most. When his Commission was getting ready to approach Congress with their report, 911 happened. And so it all was forgotten. The only way he was able to present that information to the public was in a fictional novel. The result was One Second After. Absolutely fantastic book! And not just all doom and gloom. There’s a lot of successful things they did as a community

Of course, Going Home, by A. American is a fantastic book for “get home safe” type of scenarios. This is more of a EMP type of scenario, but a fantastic book and the series goes on after the first book. I still love the first one the most.

And then there’s the Survivalist series with the Mason Raines character by Arthur Bradley. That’s an excellent book and book series.  It explains how a US Marshall might respond. And not only how the goodness of a US Marshall might change the world, but also how certain evil might make the world worse. It also puts on display how you can fight back against evil in really successful ways.

There’s companion gardening books and homesteading books that of course shouldn’t be overlooked to gain knowledge. 

So, reading as much as you can about being prepared is absolutely recommended. 

Shelter in Place or Bug Out?

This completely depends on the scenario.  In our area, there is a potential, very unlikely, but a potential of nuclear attack or other nuclear type of threat.  That said, the thought of sheltering in place might not be the best approach to protecting yourself and family. If it is known that a life altering event is approaching and the best bet would be to leave and leave quickly than bugout. 

To Bug Out also typically implies, with haste!  Hence the bug out bag to get out as quickly as possible.  But this term bug out, doesn’t mean the same thing to different people.  To bug out to some may mean, being instructed to do so by government agencies, like FEMA, to move yourselves and family to a government provided shelter.

However, for those who have planned and prepared ahead of time, to bug out may simply mean moving yourself to the next phase in your preparedness plan.  Maybe you quickly move to your first bug out location, like another family member outside the affected area.

I suspect there are very few reasons why a person would leave the safety of their home to move to an unknown scenario, like a government shelter.  When they could just as easily protect themselves within their known home and area. 

A great thought heading into your planning is to have a decision-making tree that says if X+Y happens, then leave.  But until that point, shelter in place and implement next steps in your plans.  By the way, this can and should be a part of your everyday prepping as well.  For instance, it’s much more likely for an area to be hit with a freezing storm or hurricane, causing power outage, than a nuclear attack.

But the same logic remains true.  If X+Y happens, for instance, if power is lost in your local area due to a recent weather event, and all indications are it will be out for 3-4 days.  Decide if it would be best to wait it out with generators, solar power, and cooking over a fire.  Or if it would be better to “bug out” to a local hotel.  Keeping in mind pets and other family specific cases.

If faced with an active shooter-type situation, would it be better to run and hide, or attack the shooter?

One thing I think we could all agree to is that nobody really knows what they are going to do when faced with this type of event, until they are there! Something that can help a person to understand their own potential in situations, is to train for them and place themselves into very similar situations. 

  • Seek out training from local law enforcement
  • read books about real life scenarios
  • try to become more familiar with the real scenarios and how they shake out. 

This may help you keep a sound mind when faced with potentially disturbing events.

There are several ways survival experts recommend responding to active assailants.  By now many have already heard of the “Run-Hide-Fight” response. 

“Run-Hide-Fight” response - Active Shooter Preparedness
“Run-Hide-Fight” response – Active Shooter Preparedness
  • First you run – to keep yourself alive
  • Next you hide – to make sure the assailant can’t see you
  • If all else fails, then you fight – to hopefully protect yourself and give yourself a fighting chance to survive until the end of the event.

But I would submit to the listeners some additional thoughts.  My wife and I recently went to an active assailant presentation, and they changed it up a bit with some very good logic.

The main trouble with the “Run-Hide-Fight” philosophy is it puts into the mind of the person experiencing the trauma, from the very beginning, that they are a victim!  So, the person’s mentality is already coming from a position of fear and possible death.  I must RUN, I must HIDE! And then magically, somehow, they are next supposed to remove all that fear and then… start to fight!

So, the presenter challenged that approach with a new one.


“Avoid-Deny-Defend" response - Active Shooter Preparedness
“Avoid-Deny-Defend” response – Active Shooter Preparedness

Simple adjustments to the words, but these are ACTIVE in their engagement with the assailant.

  • To RUN, in a person’s mind, means to RUN AWAY!  But to “Avoid” means to actively understand from where the danger is coming. Then avoid that danger with the most logical approach.  It may mean moving closer to the danger to move to the next step.
  • To HIDE also can imply, to cower, again prompting more of a fear reflex.  But to “Deny”, can prompt a person to continually deny the attacker access to the area in which the resistance is located.
  • And to FIGHT implies this is your last chance effort to life – to fight like hell! But if your mindset is already one of positive, “I will get out of this danger safely”, then the natural course of thinking is to be defending yourself from harm.

Finally, if your mindset is actively engaged with the assailant or other danger, it naturally causes you to think and observe much better than if you were to simply RUN, HIDE or FIGHT!  So that, after the event is concluded and you are safe, you can then TELL.  You can inform authorities of what occurred with confidence.  Your mental response is no longer “I’ve been a victim and will forever be negatively affected by this trauma”.  But you’ve done your part to protect yourself and protect others through a difficult event.

What would be some means of preparedness communication in a post-apocalyptic world?

One of the biggest questions is how bad of a “post-apocalypse” world we are talking about here.  If it’s full on mad-max or EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) type of world, that’s one thing, but if it’s an economic collapse, then the world might be affected in a totally different way. 

Most thoughtful scenarios for what could one day become the “new normal” apocalyptic world are those that would happen over time. 

  • Economic collapse
  • running out of fuel
  • adverse government takeover

These are more like “frog in hot water” events, and theoretically, persons, families, communities could prepare better ahead of time. 

  • Begin to come closer together as a unit (family or community). 
  • Begin recognizing existing HAM radio users and CB or walkie-talkie options that might be available within the area. 
  • Establish codes that can be used between known group members to ensure messages are clear and reach the intended persons.
  • Establish ahead of time a means to power said devices, whether they be solar, wind, or other, this will be important for ongoing communications.

If the scenario is more EMP or CME (coronal mass ejection) type of event, there would be a more immediate result, and very little planning could have occurred. This could make things much more difficult, but still doable.  First, consider planning and establishing a small faraday cage for EMP events.  No need for massive bunker or house-sized locations for this type of protection.  But understand EMP and CME enough to understand what devices could be affected and protect those devices. 

For instance, although some speculate it is ALL electronic components within ALL newer vehicles that are susceptible to EMP, this is not likely the case (based upon testing that’s been done).  There are certain components (perhaps a starter) that could be affected. So, if a backup of that unit itself is housed in a faraday enclosure, then the component itself only needs to be replaced and the vehicle is back up and running.

The reality is people have been communicating throughout time with images left for passers-by, or smoke signals, all the way to tying two cans together and 5G.  There will always be ways to communicate, it will just require a bit of ingenuity.

It’s been fun answering these questions.  It’s always helpful to exercise our minds to think through preparedness scenarios. If you get a chance to look us up on social media @genxtalkin, we’d love for people to comment their own thoughts.  Our Youtube channel is also a great place to do this.  If you get a chance, check us out and drop is a subscribe there.

For now, I’ll leave you to one last thought to always be preparing to respond well and recover faster. 

Until next time, this is @genxtalkin, signing off!

5 Powerful Methods for Food Prepping for Emergencies 

Prepping food is, of course, a key aspect of a family’s Preparedness goals. As the “Rule of Three” suggests, a person can typically only last 3 weeks without food. So having a solid plan around food prepping is incredibly important. In today’s blog post, we are going to review 5 types of food prepping for emergencies. 

5 Powereful Food Prepping Methods in Emergencies
5 Powereful Food Prepping Methods in Emergencies

72 Hour Supply Recommended by the Government 

In just about any FEMA or Preparedness website sponsored by the government, you will find the recommendation is to prepare our homes with at least 72 hours of food and water. Now, whether 72 hours is a useful timeframe (or not) is not the main point in this section. We are only using this as a placeholder for the most often used short timeframe for preparing emergency supplies. This really can be a simple task, and with some review of our own personal stock I dare say almost all homes in the US have this already, three days of food readily available, whether they believe it or not. We really are a nation of plenty, and without even realizing it, most homes have at least some stocks of food that could be rationed out to 72 hours. Website - Bug Out Bags Website – Bug Out Bags

Therein lies one of the serious issues, rationing. In times of emergencies, many people who are not prepared mentally, would see dwindling supplies in their cupboards and immediately think they need to go out and gather more to stock up, “as the storm approaches.”  We do see evidence of this in many big cities affected by hurricanes, tornadoes, and larger storms every year. News stations seem to love showing images of the empty water and toilet paper shelves days ahead of these proverbial storms, which causes more concern for the average citizen. 

An uncomplicated way to approach the 72-hour food prepping recommendation is to buy in pairs. Meaning, when you’re at the grocery store acquiring items your family eats on a normal basis, consider adding a second can or package of pasta to slightly increase the amount in your smaller pantry or cupboard. And then, keep a simple running inventory of items, or make them readily visible. This way you can recognize if something is getting low, you can purchase more the next time you are at the store. Also, by inventorying or making the items visible, the first response to the “dire” images from the media will not need to be run out and buy more stuff you do not need. 

Stock the Pantry so you can Shop the Pantry 

Now that we have our short-term supply covered, we can begin considering longer time frames for food. An interesting term gets used in some preparedness circles, “shop your pantry.”  Mainly this means, when you run out of an item in your kitchen, such as bar-b-que sauce or chicken stock for soups, you can go to your own pantry to “shop” for more. Afterall that is where your initial stock should be, within your own home pantry. 

Stock the Pantry so you can Shop the Pantry
Stock the Pantry so you can Shop the Pantry

As we did above to prepare our 72-hour stocks, use the “buy-in-pairs” method to build up this stock within your own pantry over time. In this case, keeping a running inventory of the items in stock becomes a bit more important. You do not necessarily want to keep buying more supplies, and accidentally stock more of something you may not need. Especially considering you could be low in another item. 

But even if you store additional items your family may not need immediately, having these items on hand will start to build a level of comfort and peace when challenging times arise. One key point to emphasize again here is to purchase items your family regularly uses or eats. This is especially important to keep in mind so that your shelves do not become overflowing with useless items the family will never eat.  

Additionally, when walking through the grocery store some days, look at the expiration dates on the packaging of items. When it comes to dried pasta, canned foods and oil, there is a very long shelf life for these items. And in exceedingly tough times, non-perishable food that is long past its expiration date can still be used. It often only means the flavor is a bit less quality and the nutritional value might have reduced slightly.  

Finally, as part of the “shop your pantry” efforts, let’s introduce one more important term, cycling. Cycling simply means using the oldest food first when shopping your pantry. As you review your pantry storage efforts, consider placing new items toward the back of the row or stack, so you are more likely to use the oldest first by pulling from the front of the row. As well, it becomes important to start labelling each can or package as it’s added to the pantry. Just keep a little sharpie pen hanging in the pantry area, and as you add items in, write a quick month/year marker on the top or side of the packaging. This way even if you make a mistake in the cycling of the items, you can still quickly verify you are using the oldest items first in your day-to-day cooking. 

Full Storage Plan for at Least 1 Year of Food Prepping 

Now, if it is your desire, you can start moving toward a more prepared home for longer term events. Mormons, as an example, have a directive from their spiritual leadership to store the “bare minimum” of home, clothing, and protection for challenging times. Whether you are a fan of that faith group or not, the fundamental practice of keeping stores of items you may need for a year is sound. Yes, they do use the term “bare minimum” to represent a year of food and they include recommendations for longer periods of time where possible. Also note, they include recommendations for clothing and protection along with the food, which can be incredibly important additions to any preparedness plans – but not in the context of this post today. 

So how can we begin putting a plan into action to build a one-year inventory of food (and possibly water) supplies? Begin by using the practices stated above, and organization will play a key role in successfully accomplishing this set of goals. Start with the “buy-in-pairs” method to continue adding to stores effectively. Keeping the inventory flowing on a first in, first out basis will help the family to ensure that the stores stay fresher, longer. Continuing this process over a period of months can easily build the stores within your home pantry. As you will find out quickly enough, space and variety quickly become nagging issues.  

Premade Canned Food Storage for Prepping
Premade Canned Food Storage for Prepping

There are many options for providing better organization of the space you do have. We’ve probably all seen the 12-15 can dispensers that automatically push the oldest to the front for you. These are great for canned items, but keep in mind the need to provide different options for the assorted sizes of canned goods. There are also building plans available online for wooden contraptions that allow you to store massive amounts of canned goods within small areas (like within the area between studs in a wall). These are particularly useful when your pantry is limited on space. Now, this effort mainly considers the storage of items like already canned foods, to bring organization to the food stores you have available.  

In Wall Canned Food Prep Storage
In Wall Canned Food Prep Storage

As mentioned above, the next nagging issue will be variety, because, although we could exist, and maybe even thrive, using canned or packaged foods alone, eating the same foods everyday will not be joyful in the least. So… start a garden. If you are fortunate enough to have a large yard and the time and energy to maintain a garden, take the opportunity to start early. Having a garden in which you are able to grow some fresh vegetables, and even some fruits and nuts will offset the often-boring meals you might get from canned and packaged foods. And if you have the space for larger crops like fruit trees and expansive plants like sweet potatoes, take advantage of growing more and use alternative growing methods like companion planting and permaculture.

Knowledge is most definitely power when it comes to gardening. Each growing season you will learn more about what grows in your climate and soil. And even if you only have limited space, for instance an apartment or condominium, consider using vertical gardening or hydroponic methods indoors and near a window. There are some very impressive examples online of “living” walls within a home, in which the plants grow up a trellis, or within PVC pipes with holes, and it really can add to the beauty of the home. This will not only allow you to extend your growing season but will also allow you to monitor and protect the items as well. 

Please do not be confused to think that in a small vertical garden within a rented apartment a family would be able to grow enough food for a year. Quite the contrary, trying to grow one’s own food source completely will be excessively difficult to prepare for properly, and lends itself more to the homesteading movement. Much more planning and organization would be required for that level of effort. 

MREs and Emergency Rations can be great additions for portable Food Prepping
MREs and Emergency Rations can be great additions for portable Food Prepping

Emergency Foods and MREs 

Before we move to the final option, any discussion of emergency food prepping should include at least a mention of emergency rations and MREs (Meals Ready to Eat from XMRE). MREs are packaged food with readily available warmers that were traditionally used by the military for short term missions. Although they are not the lightest food source for soldiers to carry into potential combat situations, they do provide nearly 4000 calories per package. Theoretically, if the recommended daily allowance for a person is 1500-2000 calories, just a couple of these packages could potentially provide sustenance for several days. This is, of course, a fantastic alternative in an emergency event, especially when considering portability. So, it makes sense, at the very least, to include MREs in the long-term planning for preparedness in any household or community. 

What about Emergency Rations? The most interesting example of how to describe these little power packs is Lembas, those relatively flat cakes made popular by Samwise Gamgee in the JRR Tolkien, Lord of the Rings series. They are basically a block of food substance, with minimal taste (not bad tasting, mind you), but high levels of calories, typically 2000-3000 calories for a small block of food. Emergency Rations can be obtained from just about any online source, including the likes of Amazon, and they are typically very inexpensive considering the number of calories included in such a small package. It is true, Emergency Rations are not the most tasteful, but consider the name and the many potential use cases, and it is easy to understand why one should augment their preparedness planning with these effective items.  

  • Have you ever been stuck in traffic on the beltway for a couple of hours?  
  • Have you ever been travelling a long distance and had a highway shutdown due to a large pileup in extreme weather?  
  • Have you ever been on a day hike and realized you forgot your lunch back at the car or base camp? 

Now nobody is going to starve to death stuck in traffic, even for a day, but it sure would be a comfort to realize after a few hours of waiting, that you have nearly 6000 calories of a cake-like substance readily available in your emergency kit in your trunk. 

The Ultimate Solution for Food Prepping: Homesteading 

Finally, we get to the ultimate solution for sustainable food preparations, the homesteading approach. Homesteading can mean different things to different people, so let’s define with our own words.  

“Homesteading is a sustainable way of life in which the individual or family unit can grow, process, store, cook and eat their own food substances to maintain a healthy, and varied, means of caloric intake.” 

Of course, it can mean a lot more, but homesteading takes the family unit back to a time when they were able to survive and thrive within their own environment with limited need for outside support. Homesteading includes significant capability in gardening, even to include the level of actual farming potentially large fields and orchards. So that a family has a seasonal effort to plan, grow, harvest and store proceeds from the family plots of land. Assorted crops can not only be used for the family’s sustenance, but additionally could be used as barter with similar minded groups in trade. Using out of season provisions such as greenhouses can be used to extend the growing season for certain crops and allow the family to grow crops not native to their climate region. 

Homesteading could include many layers of a family’s meat sources as well, such as raising chickens for eggs as well as meat. With chickens, eggs can be a tremendous source of protein for a hungry family. Additionally, eggs can be stored for over a year in a jar with certain processing. Eggs could also be dried for longer term food prepping. Raising goats, pigs, and cattle in similar ways for meat, and/or milk is an often-used alternative to purchasing store bought meats. Meat from processed animals could also be jarred and stored for long term.  

Finding means to regularly store food and other items for longer time periods is particularly important to the homesteader. Jarring, canning, smoking, drying, and pickling (among others) are all unique ways the homesteading community will prepare for the times when the land is not providing in real time. 

For the homesteader, establishing a means of barter with items of excess production or skill can make for a fantastic way to augment the family’s needs. For instance, if the family has a plot of land that happens to grow an excess of corn that is unneeded by the family, they can exchange it for other fruits or vegetables that might contain more vitamin “C.”  Or if the family has a respectable number of goats producing milk, the family may use the excesses of milk to produce cheeses to be used in exchange for meats from the local farmer’s market. 


As you can see, preparedness in relation to food supply can be a complex and multi-faceted endeavor. For the beginner prepper or person just entering this exciting world, it helps to start simply. Focus on the immediate potential hazards to gain the most benefit from food preparations. Make sure to focus on foods and tools the family uses most often and build up the 72-hour supply with most haste. The urgency should be a bit more relaxed at this point because the impact of most potential emergency scenarios is greatly reduced with this solution. In this process, you will likely be building out “get-home-safe” vehicle kits or Bugout Bags. Do not forget to consider MREs or E-Rations for this exact purpose. 

Once to that point, focus on a two-week supply, but build it over time using the “buy-in-pairs” method and some decent organization. As time, energy, and space allows, begin to focus on what it will take to build a longer-term supply of food, clothing, and protection (maybe even a year’s worth). This effectively becomes an asset over time and allows the family to relax in those times when most of the population is scrambling during emergencies. 


GenXTalkin Presents… Storytime: Florida Hurricane

For our imagination, training and planning today, let me introduce you to a married couple, Daniel and Elsie Gardner. Now Daniel and Elsie, for most of their lives, have lived in some western and some Mid-Atlantic states in the US. They have three great kids in their teenage years. After some long planning and hard work, it’s paid off, and they’ve bought their place at the end of a long road in Florida, just outside Orlando. Very private…. And quiet!

Daniel grew up most of his life in a preparedness minded home.  The pantry was well stocked, a small supply of water was properly stored, and there were secondary ways to get power and purify water if needed. His parents taught him from a young age that the way of the Scout was to “be prepared”!

Elsie was always a city girl and grew up knowing the power would always be there and thought there was a fine line between prepping and hoarding. To Elsie, Keeping a significant amount of food and water stored was pretty wasteful when you could just as easily go down to the market and pick up fresh food. And besides, it’s so much healthier as well. 

Preparedness had always been a minor point of contention in the household and the kids felt it whenever Dad would attempt to build any stock of food, water, or take part in any other of these types of activities. Mom would get frustrated. 

Daniel and Elsie have now lived in Florida for about 6 months.  Although they’ve heard of hurricanes in Florida, they’ve never experienced the real threat. In fact the only real experience they’ve had is when they lived in Maryland and one Superstorm skirted the area causing some wind damage, and minor flooding but nothing major.  Back in Maryland, anytime any type of storm (super or not) would come up, about two days before the storm, everyone would race to the store to stock up.  And often the shelves would be left empty until after the storm. 

Well, August rolls around and seemingly out of the blue, the news starts reporting about Hurricane Itan heading their way. As reported the storm is still about a week out, so Daniel and Elsie continue their work. Coworkers seem to be only slightly alarmed, but enough to make Daniel start thinking back to some of his upbringing. On a whim, he decides to stop and pick up 10 of the gallon sized bottles of Crystal Geyser water, and a couple of cases of smaller water bottles. Heck while he’s at it, he goes ahead and picks up some rice, and a few extra cans of soup, just in case. He just keeps them in his car for now. 

A couple more days go by and the reports are getting worse. The strength of the storm intensifies. By landfall, it’s expected to be at least category 3 and possibly even category 4.  Looking at the projected path of the storm only frustrates Daniel and Elsie as they try to decipher what it could mean for their small family. Some news broadcasts are indeed calling for evacuation of areas to the south and east of their home, but not necessarily their area. Confusion sets in, and after some time, the couple starts to argue about how they should prepare. 

Two days out from the storm, and Daniel thinks they should go buy a generator.  Elsie argues that it’s overkill. But as they see their neighbors start applying their hurricane shutters on their windows, Daniel starts to ask around for recommendations on how to prepare. 

  • They start to ask if the house they purchased has premade shutters for your windows?
  • you can often find them shoved into an attic or basement somewhere
  • Or you might still be able to pick up some plywood and clips at the hardware store before the storm
  • Might want to get those up well before the storm.
  • Do you have a generator?  That will be important. 
  • Extra gas and gas cans?
  • How much food and water do you have?
  • Last big storm took us out for about 5 days!

5 days!?  We better get moving!  With this info, Elsie was convinced. They needed to get out and pick up some of these things. 

The next day, Luckily they found the house did indeed have some fitted plywood sheets already cut to their window sizes… Thank God!  Next, Daniel decided to take a trip into town to look for a generator. As he passed through town he noticed that ALL buildings had metal shutters installed and locked into place. The town looked like the set of walking dead. 

Grocery stores, shuttered!  

Post office, shuttered! 

Two places remained open. 

The gas station, but the line to get there was over a block long. 

And the hardware store! 

He pulled into the parking lot and walked into the store. As with the grocery store several days prior, many of the shelves were bare. The only generator available still was a little 1200 watt unit that might power a couple of lights and a charger. Daniel bought it, and remembered he still had some oil he could use back at home. 

On his way home Daniel parked in the line to get gas. He waited for 2 hours listening to his podcasts. When he got to the point to fill up his car, it was running on fumes. 

He asked the attendant if they had any gas cans he could buy. “Nope, and we wouldn’t let you fill them up anyway.  Just your car!”  Daniel filled up the car’s tank and headed home. 

As he pulled up to the house, Elsie ran out to meet him, crying. 

“It’s picked up power off the coast. It’s a category 5 and headed our way!”

Now less than twenty four hours from the storm hitting the coast, Daniel and Elsie, and their young family have limited supplies, equipment they’ve never used, and the threat of an impending storm. They feel woefully unprepared, but reports indicate the evacuation routes are clogged with last minute travelers trying to get away. 

  • What challenging times have you had in discussing preparedness with spouse?
  • What are some things Daniel and Elsie could have done to better prepare ahead of time?
  • What were some good things they did leading up to the storm?
  • How early before a storm hits would be best to start preparing?
  • What are some activities they could do with the family to prepare themselves better?

Click Here to hear how Ed and Matt consider the questions themselves in our latest Podcast at


Scheduling Your Preparedness

This is such a great subject to discuss, scheduling your preparedness, and for a number of different reasons.  First, if you’re new to preparedness, and there are many of you out there, it can be very daunting to start.  As you do start, you begin to realize very quickly how far behind you may be.  By scheduling out your preparedness, you can see the positive changes taking place, which will help you to stay organized making sure you’re not missing something in your initial planning.

Anyone Can Gain From Scheduling Their Preparedness

If you’ve been a prepper for some time already, by going through this type of process, you can set yourself on a regular schedule, causing you and your family/community to stay prepared for the long run.

As well, consider if you’ve been focused on preparedness, but tend to focus more on one area than another.  For instance, maybe you like the security aspect of preparedness, and not the medical aspects.  Or maybe you’re very into homesteading and keeping yourself fed during difficult times, but have no real idea around security.  Scheduling out your preparedness to include all the different areas will help you and your family to be better equipped.  

Finally, if you’re a long time prepper and feel you’re the best and most prepared, then you may have already missed one major point of preparedness.  That is, to always be learning and to always be improving.  If you feel you’ve reached a point and you’ve got all your security bases covered, maybe it’s time to have a friend review it with you.  If you feel your family can be fed consistently, even in difficult times, maybe it’s time to consider how you can help others in their times of need.  So let’s look at some ways to schedule your preparedness, for now, as a person with beginner or intermediate knowledge of preparedness.

Examples of Scheduling Your Preparedness

Most government Offices of Emergency Management create some form of preparedness for the public at large.  This really can be a great place to start.  Examples of what some provide are shown above.  Eventually, your plan and how you will react for yourself should depend upon your needs.  You should not rely on any external organization, government or other, to solve your own preparedness challenges.  But “borrowing” from these organizations, at the very least, to get you started and develop a schedule and plan will help get much closer to the goal, much sooner.  

For example, the FEMA website, shows the following diagram in their Communication Plan documentation:

If you were to take each of these 12 areas and focus on just one per month over the next year, you would find yourself much closer to your family being fully prepared for any natural, and perhaps even man-made, disaster.  You would also find that, as you dive into one of the twelve shown, it may drive you to others.  Learning to go with the flow will only help the effort.  

You might start, in your first month, with simply signing up for “Alerts and Warnings”.  And as you’re researching this effort, you find that several of the apps created for such a purpose are written or sponsored by one of the local Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT).  As you find out more about CERT, this can help you “become more involved in your community”. CERT may give you opportunities to train in basic emergency response, and CPR and First Aid.  Which then can make you more of a resource and you to “Plan more with your Neighbors”.  At this point, you’ve already touched on several of the list of twelve.  

To be clear, I’m not suggesting this is the only way to create a schedule for you to start on your path of preparedness.  But by doing even a small amount of research and putting some form of a schedule in place, you can be more confident the plan will include the many different aspects of preparedness. 

Preparing for Clean Air

Another example of creating a schedule is to use the survival rule of threes, ordering them by priority, and then placing them into regular intervals of achievement.  Starting with air and shelter, give yourself a timeline, for instance, you might start by setting a goal to have enough N95 masks for your entire family.  This became incredibly apparent during the early days of the Covid pandemic of 2020.  Then, we must ensure each person is properly trained on how to apply the mask and at what point the mask becomes useless against different threats, and training is key here.  

Preparing Your Shelter (Your Home)

For shelter, first ensure your home is properly cared for, whether single family dwelling, large piece of land or apartment.  It’s important to make sure the chances of losing your home are very very slim.  Having properly managed finances becomes key, of course, making sure you are living well within your means of income.  If not, find a way to move to a home that fits within your means.  Then of course, be sure the property is insured correctly, so if a loss of home is incurred due to disaster, you’re not left homeless.  

Finally, still focusing on shelter, if you own a home or property, living within your means, also indicates you know how much per year it will cost to maintain that home.  This can be a difficult pill to swallow.  Many people just live in their home until something starts to fall apart, without regular maintenance, and they are always surprised when the roof or furnace needs replacing.  If you perform your own maintenance on your home, you’re already a step ahead because you might be more likely to see something coming.  But, if you don’t, then take a look around your home.  Consider all major appliances, windows, doors, roofs, and try to remember when’s the last time they were serviced.  They are all working to protect or provide for you, so do yourself a favor and get them serviced.  In doing this, you’ll come to realize that this will help you to plan ahead and budget to replace an item, rather than have it fail on you unexpectedly.

As you can see, preparing for shelter may be a bit more of a project than just a single month, because there are so many different areas to consider.  So you may schedule this out over a period of time.  

Preparing Your Water Stores

Next, you can start moving on to collecting water.  Water is incredibly important, and something that can be relatively simple to plan,  It does however require space, so once you settle on a means of collection, plan to stick to that style.  I personally have chosen the single gallon bottles from Crystal Geyser as my storage method.  These bottles are semi-square in nature.  So it makes storing them much easier in my shelving apparatus, and each bottle has a fairly strong handle that makes it easy to pick up multiple bottles at one time.  Within a 4 foot area, I can generally hold about 25 gallons per shelf.  Three or four shelves and I have enough water for most likely events.  Oh yea, and just about every other week, there’s a sale at 10 for 10 bucks!  This is not to say this is the only means of water collection, but it does allow for excellent ways to acquire, manage and store it.  And of course, I can use these bottles as a normal part of our daily routine and keep cycling out older bottles over time.

Preparing Your Food Stores

This brings up an important point now as we start to transition into food storage.  Cycling in new food, and cycling out older food stores.  There’s a concept in some preparedness circles called “Shopping Your Pantry”.  It simply means two things.  First, when you go to the grocery store a large part of the shopping effort should be to replenish items used from your pantry.  So when you see those sales of two items for seven bucks, or something similar, you pick them up in order to build up your reserves at home.   Depending on your financial situation it could be one or two weeks to build up your pantry, or it could be several months.  But once you do this, you will start to realize how easy it can be to build up a reserve.  You can easily meet and exceed the recommended 1-2 weeks of food reserves in your pantry.  

Second, when you schedule your meals for the upcoming week, plan to look in your pantry first, or “shop” in your pantry for items for the next week of meals. Overall, you may find your grocery bills start going down because you’re able to use what you already have, and only shop for the things you need.  One important point here for those of you health conscious fans out there.  There’s nothing that can replace fresh fruits, veggies and meat.  So, I’m not saying store up on a bunch of packaged meals.  Far from it.  In fact augmenting your groceries with locally grown (even in your own garden or homestead) fruits and vegetables will only help you, and besides it gives you such a feeling of accomplishment to know that the food on your table came from you very own garden.  Just remember, that as you stock up for short term emergency responses, you need to increase your stock with food you would normally eat.  This way you can keep it also on a regular cycle of replenishing foods you’ve eaten with new stocks.

Preparing for Protection

Now that your air, shelter, water and food are taken care of, you can continue with scheduling out how you will protect yourself and your family and eventually assist in protecting your community.  Consider firearms, with proper training and preparation, clearly firearms can be the great equalizer in home invasions, or similar type events, but if for some reason you’re uncomfortable or improperly trained, they can be more dangerous than beneficial.  Really consider this topic and if you decide to move in the direction of any form of firearm, absolutely obtain professional training as soon as possible.

Alternatively, obtaining training in some form of martial arts or combat sport, can help in many dangerous situations.  Examples might be Krav Maga, which is an Israeli Combat form that teaches people self protection with defence and simultaneous counter attack.  I personally feel there are no other self defense skills that will better serve an average person.  However, Krav Maga can also be quite stressful on the body’s joints, so as a person starts to get older, you might consider another form of martial art such as Jiu Jitsu.  If you’ve ever seen some of the early days of the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship), there is one particular person that stands out.  His name is Royce Gracie, and is a 185 pound guy that hails from Brazil.  He came into the UFC and faced some of the biggest, most violent opponents and with his calm demeanor proceeded to put them to sleep, or cause them to tap-out in submission due to the severe pain he was causing.  That… is Jiu Jitsu!  Very powerful and perfectly designed for just about anyone wanting to protect themselves.

And finally, for protection, there are always non-deadly options for self defense.  The only thing I would recommend here is be very aware of your local laws related to these types of items.  Some knives, batons, and stun guns fall under the same category as firearms when it comes to them being used in deadly force.  So absolutely do you research first before you settle on your perfect instrument of self-protection.  I have two highly recommended items I typically suggest for people getting started.  First, the Fast-Strike Personal Safety Whip, which is a perfect tool for an average person just trying to be prepared for hiking, biking, running, or just walking home from work at night.

And then second is a fairly common tool, often referred to as the “can of mace”.  I say this in quotes because I think there are better alternatives to the traditional spray.  Namely, the SABRE RED Pepper Gel Spray for Runners, or something similar.  This little tool is great because it’s so light and unobtrusive, yet very effective if you find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation.  Just point, and spray, and this GEL, will cover and stick to a person’s face causing a fairly severe reaction by a perpetrator.  The nice thing about a gel, rather than the spray, is when in a windy environment, sprays can just as easily get whipped back in your direction causing issues for you and your own eyesight.  With the gel, this is no longer an issue.

Whatever means you use, just continue to focus on the purpose of the protection while undergoing your training or research.  If your goal is to “Protect this House”, this can often be done pretty well with a shotgun and a box of shells (again, with proper training and understanding of the weapon).  But if you’re more comfortable with using martial arts as your primary defense, make sure the training you receive is designed to protect you in specific dangerous scenarios.  It won’t do you any good to learn Karate Kata for 3 months (no offense Karate fans…  Heh heh), and never know how to respond when a person attacks you from behind one late night after work.

I hope you’ve gained some understanding from this blog on how you might start on your road to preparedness by scheduling out the different areas.  It may seem daunting at first, but as you start to get into it, and your understanding improves, I promise you will become more comfortable, and you will be more at peace!

Until next time… Matt Marshall… signing off!


Making A Plan – National Preparedness Month

Hey there all you GenXers. In honor of National Preparedness Month, I wanted to share with you some thoughts on one of the biggest parts of being prepared – Making A Plan…

But first, before I really launch into it, I wanted to start with a special thanks to our listeners and viewers. We’ve hit more than 500 downloads of our podcast in about one month! That’s a pretty incredible feat! And we wouldn’t be here without you, our loyal audience. Thank you and thank you!

For those who haven’t already done so, consider subscribing at:   

With all that said, onto the blog of the day… It is National Preparedness Month, and that mainly means we focus on two things, making a plan and creating a go bag. We’ve spent some time in a couple of past episodes talking about the different types of bags; edc, go-bag and bug out bags, and the get home safe bag. And for sure we’ll dig deeper into these in future episodes. 

For today we’re focusing on the first half, making a plan. 

I think one of the important concepts around making a plan is first to realize it’s never just one plan at all!  There can be…

  • Fire escape plan – the most popular preparedness-related search on Google
  • Shelter In place plan – Wanna keep it all in the homestead
  • Evacuation route planning – don’t forget the backup routes
  • Water collection plan – Most important survival topic aside from the air we breath
  • Communications plan – How can we talk to each other, and where can we meet
  • Financial plan – got your budget planned out

This I’m sure is one of the reasons it can take a while to make a plan – when you consider… all the plans. 

Before I go into my thoughts on these different plans, I also wanted to share some simple resources for those starting out brand new…

  • – the base link that provides a simplistic, and yet well organized means to start getting organized in preparedness
  • Communications plan – a very detailed plan on how a family can start getting all the communications together (collecting Information, ensure everyone has a copy, and talk about it on regular basis)
  • Family emergency plan – this is part of the site, but delves more deeply into preparing for families with kids (younger, as well as older teens).

There are a plethora of sites and videos and podcasts we can all use when making our plan. Many of these sites are so much more informative than these I’ve listed. However, for those first starting out, I recommend this group of sites because it drastically simplifies the process of making a plan and starting out on your preparedness journey. They tend to lean heavily on the government providing solutions to our preparedness problems, but I think that’s because these days, so many people already rely on the government.

Over time, individuals and communities can and should become more self reliant, so they don’t have to rely on the government. That’s part of the reason Ed and I started the podcast, to start building community (virtually), to inform and educate, and even to learn more for ourselves from what others are doing.

Let’s take a look at some of the most basic plans we can make.

Planning to Shelter In Place

For Shelter in place I personally think, and I believe most preparedness-minded people walk this same path, that it’s important to first define what are your greatest threats. If you know what you and your community are most at risk of encountering, then you can more easily prepare to combat them.

In some of our episodes of GenXTalkin – On Being Prepared, we’ve touched briefly on the different types of threat events, but I’d like to clarify these very quickly…

High Impact, High Frequency – traffic jams, reside in or travel through a dangerous area, fires in certain areas, epidemics and disease breakouts, house fires

High Impact, Low Frequency – large weather events, emp, hacking/cyber  attack on fuel pipelines, regional attacks, regional wildfires, loss of source of income

Low Impact, High Frequency – traffic jams, vehicle out of gas, pick pockets or mugging (could be higher impact), ran out of food at home

Low Impact, Low Frequency – heat waves, gas prices risen, minimal storm surge

One helpful way to understand realistic threat events in your area is to use the National Risk Index.

This is primarily for natural hazards, but has some additional factors as well. Click on the link and look for the “Explore the Map” option. This will open an interactive map of the US, allowing users to zoom into their respective county. Select a county of interest, and in a side panel, the following options are available:

  • Risk Index – risk levels relative to the natural hazard threat (hurricane, tornado, volcano…), and compared to other areas of the state and nation.
  • Expected Annual Loss – based upon property values and potential for risk
  • Social Vulnerability – how susceptible is the community to the adverse impacts of natural hazards.
  • Community Resilience – ability for a community to prepare for anticipated natural hazards, adapt to changing conditions, and withstand and recover rapidly from disruptions.

One more important aspect of this Index is one can quickly create a report, similar to this one for Cook Country (Chicago area), which shows these results for your selected county (CAUTION: it may take a while to load in the next tab). This can be a great tool for getting to the main root of what problems may occur for your community. Armed with this information we can get an idea of what itmes we may need to purchase or organize in case the threat event occurs.

Planning to Evacuate or Get Out Quick

The government recommends having a Bugout, or Go Bag in the event you have to get away from home quickly. And most preparedness minded organizations add onto this in saying, within 15 minutes, you should be ready to go with all you need for at least 72 hours, but supplies for one week is even better. Preparing to evacuate can be a scary, and daunting task, and it can take on many forms.

The most popular search on Google, if you look up the keyword preparedness, is related to Fire Safety. So you really should start here. How to prepare self and family in case of fire is very prevalent in the minds of folks in the US. For an individual, it really can be as simple as becoming familiar with escape routes from each room. If you’re at work or school, take a look at the fire escape plan. Just about every building will have one posted in a very public place, because OSHA Standards basically require it for businesses. Know which way you would go if there were a fire alarm, and regularly do a quick review of that path, so you can recognize it, even when you can’t see (due to smoke).

As well, if you travel for work, get in the habit of doing this in hotels, airports and your temporary place of work. Good to at least get a basic idea of layouts.

You will also come to realize that many organizations themselves identify a “Floor Safety Manager”, who is someone very familiar with how to respond in emergencies, and is tasked with regular drills and directing people where to go during those emergencies.

Interesting fact from the September 11, 2001 WTC Attacks. Many lives were saved because a couple of very dedicated safety managers drilled the escape plan so many times over the years. Those safety managers were in the WTC building when the original attack occured in 1993.

9/11 – One Day in America

Next, create a fire escape plan at home. This should be two fold. First, ensure everyone knows how to get out of the house very quickly and by multiple pathways. This way if one direction is blocked, they can get out another way without hesitation. It also might be fun one of these days to wake the family up in the middle of the night with very loud music and banging while you’re waving a flashlight around yelling “FIRE! FIRE!, EVERYONE OUT! HURRY!!” ; )

Also consider where your gathering points might be staged. There should be two, one right outside the house (near a tree) and one should be slightly further away, like a neighbor’s front porch. These locations should be clear to anyone visiting as well. Saying something like “gather where the old tire swing used to hang” won’t help visitors understand, whereas “Go to the big tree in the front yard” would work great!

Planning Your Communications

Most important here is understanding how important it is to have proper communications. Without communications, how will we know:

  • where to meet up
  • when to meet up
  • what do we do when the first meet up location fails
  • What are our next steps
  • what direction I’m headed
  • or simply… is my family OK?

Start with the basics for the Communications Plan. First, collect important information such as phone numbers; for each other, for friends and family, for doctors, hospitals, dentists, ob-gyn, etc. Collect information around children’s school (including college), and adult workplace emergency plans. Where will the kids be taken (and how, by bus?) in a time of emergency? Always include out of town contacts to use as go-between during large events, and establish a time to check in at regular intervals.

Adding onto the fire escape plan above, establish meeting places ahead of time for additional purposes.

  • Indoor – in case of extreme weather, such as tornadoes
  • In your neighborhood – like the neighbor’s front porch in case you can’t get into your home
  • Outside your neighborhood – to meet up if you’re not at home during emergencies and cannot cannot get there
  • Outside your own town or city, or even state or region – for cases in which you cannot get home and you’ve been instructed to evacuate the area

Next up is to share the information with the family. This is super important. Make small laminated sheets for each to hold in a wallet, purse or backpack. Having this information handy will allow each family member to respond well and recover faster.

Consider adding a couple of apps to your smartphone. My wife and I belong to a volunteer organization called CERT (Community Emergency Response Team). These are present in most urban and suburban areas in the US. Many of these groups create their own smartphone apps, but they also have directed us to the following:

  • AED – which gives a dynamic map for locations of AED (Automated external defibrillators) units – for helping those suffering from heart attack.
  • PulsePoint – emergency organizations around the country submit their events to this app, providing a service like the old scanners, so you can receive alerts on your phone when different emergencies (utilities, natural disasters, flooding, traffic, etc.) occur in your area.
  • USNG – a way to locate yourself during emergencies. This can be key for emergency services trying to locate you during a disaster,
  • CodeRed – Mobile alert service similar to the PulsePoint service above.
  • 311 – Often local counties will have their own version of an app for reporting issues in your area. This is more for community awareness, not necessarily emergencies
  • ERG2020 – Ever wonder what those different colored diamonds on the back of trucks and shipping containers mean? This is the app to answer those questions. Enter the number on teh diamond, or just browse, and you can see the meaning, potential hazard, what the public should do, and how emergency services should respond if there is an issue with the vehicle.
  • Compass – Oh yeah! although if you’re properly prepared, you probably already have an analog compass in your Emergency Kit… Why not have the Compass app as well on your phone?

II’ll finish up the communications plan section with two points. One of the problems that often occurs during natural disasters is that cell phone services get “clogged”. Basically your phone calls just can’t get through, because the network is overloaded with people just trying to reach their loved ones. So, start with just texting instead. Texts are much smaller packets, and a couple of quick lines of text can deliver the message and free up the network for more emergency-type uses.

Second, while you have the chance, take a look around your area with your smartphone. Try to find additional locations at which you can connect to the internet via WIFI. I’m talking about those free locations, like hotels and coffee shops that offer them up for their customers. If you’re stuck in the city, and you can move about on foot, get to a location that still has WIFI up and running and you can be better informed during the emergency. Of course, you want to make sure this is actually a free service. Very frustrating when you’re in the midst of an emergency, and you have to enter a credit card, or email information to gain access. Also, a good reason to plan this ahead is you also want the ability to recognize the WIFI network you’re using. This would be a prime situation for hackers to try to capture unwitting users’ private information by “sniffing” or monitoring that WIFI network. Whether emergency or not, you never want to transmit your personal data, unprotected by VPN, across an unknown WIFI network!

Lastly, you should come to realize that preparedness does not stop at the end of National Preparedness Month… Keep going, and remember that “practice makes PROGRESS!”
