48% of Americans lack the emergency supplies for use in a disaster!!

Now think about this for just a minute all you GenXers. And I don’t mean the generation…

When was the last time you experienced a power outage, or prepared for a weather event, or had a state-wide lockdown? How long were you without power, or required to stay home? What… couple of hours maybe? No problem right?

What if it happened a bit longer? Say 24 hours? Would it still be ok?

Now consider if that power outage happened in your entire neighborhood and there are approx 150 houses affected. If 48 percent (around 70 homes) are not prepared with supplies, then those without will eventually start getting concerned, frustrated… or even desperate?

I’m just sayin… maybe we should think about that. Maybe we should be one of the prepared homes…

Seems like it would make things a bit more… comfortable, a bit more… peaceful, eh?

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